~~"Me and my "cup of coffee!"~~
I don't know,
When things changed so much?
Like can you believe:
I shifted from whisky to coffee!
I know you'll be glad after hearing this:
"The lukewarm water with Old Monk is not a daily affair anymore!"
Full cream to skimmed,
Skimmed to black!
Yes, that's how the transition has been in these months!
Maybe that's the thing about "void"!
When a part of you misses another part of you,
Which wasn't separated a long time ago
but yes,
It already feels like an eternity!
A separated part of me has found its way of cutting down the interdependencies!
There's this intangible loss, yet so-prominent that I'm unable to fill this void.
A void that is marked by many unanswered questions, open endings and decree of events that changed me forever.
What am I supposed to do now?
Will this void be filled one day?
How am I supposed to fill this void?
And above all,
Do you know:
This void and an answer to "Why"
Totally correlates the eccentricity!
The eccentricity that is often marked by statements like:
"You've changed?"
-Yes, I've changed!
"There's a personality shift."
Only if these statements could answer "Why"
And my answers could fill this void.
Only if!
They say:
There was a part of me that was too much dependent on whisky,
Dark, light, hard and heavy!
It's good that part of me is gone!
But how will you make up for the void?
The void that led me to opt for these procurements,
At first place!
And now again,
I'm vulnerable to these thoughts,
Thoughts marked by anxiety,
Anxiety making its way to misanthropy!
Misanthropy pushing me
into this sense of
contemplating obscurity.
Refraining the parts of me,
From Existential tautology!
You see it's not "my cup of coffee",
Or maybe it's not even yours,
But there's a part of me
that is still looking for answers,
Pertaining to the separations in the past!
So, if you ever get to see a part of me
in the public,
which you have seen a few years ago:
when there were books,
But not so tricky,
when there were talks,
But not so deep!
When meeting each other,
Never needed a reason,
And I wasn't the only one left behind!
If you ever get to meet that separated part of me,
Trying to fit among the masses,
Just embrace it for a while,
Maybe take a dive or try to read it more
And when you're done with your extradition,
Just let it go!
And after all this time,
with all your newly-discovered revelations,
If you plan to "Just" let me go:
Just Drop a "ЁЯМ╗"
And I'll know,
Just like others
It's time for you to go!
No strings attached, No Questions Asked!
Someone who is still trying to settle for "a cup of coffee!"
-My cup of Coffee.
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