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Showing posts from July, 2018

Broonie- the dog story!

“Broonie” On some days, I write words On others, I narrate stories! Here’s a story from The days: When I was learning to keep my head held high enough to part away from all the glories! Somewhere in the course of my journey, I met this mighty friend I don’t know what his name was But for sure he replied pretty well too – “ Broonie !” He has witnessed the unseen, explored the roads left untravelled by “ hoomans “ , hunted the huntsman pack and above all, he managed to keep his calm at the time of adversities! Somewhere in this rhythm of personification: Intentionally, I doubted his position and that’s when the ‘chacha’ passing by narrated the tales from his days of glory! No less than an armour, He wore his pride. He has seen thousands of faces passing by He has witnessed the places changing and weather of the mountains switching, He was parted from the family when he was just 5! Merely 5 days, When he was taken away Fighting street battles Learning the art of survival The...

I cannot Go On

A tale beyond odds She had too much to secure! The world is by her side The king had not too much to cry! She wished to cure people; He believed in the power of machines, Who thought one day this whole thing will turn into devil's dream! She had her reasons to believe She had experienced what's unseen He had too much to tell and She had not too much time left! That's how it started! That's how the tales roll of what is left unexplored. Mingled in the chains of what we call a dreadful end. She took her life and all we can do is to hi-five! If this isn't for her the blame is on us! I decided to give it worth a try Live my life king size! The curtains fall The medical entrance has always been a tough job. From then, he possesses too much to hide, His grief silently resides! From face to faces From human to ashes A humongous uproar Her ship sailing beyond the odds! He decided to give it a try She already bid him a " Goodbye "! ' I cannot Go On. ...

My Travel Story- एक रंगीन काफिला

"Hindi Trials" बाँध अपने बस्ते को मैं, चल पड़ा एक अनजान राह । कुरेदने उन इतिहास के पन्नों को, जहाँ गया न अभी तक कोई इनसान। मरने को तत्पर थे ख्याल, भरनी अभी थी ख्वाबों की उड़ान- मिलने को बाकी थी वो पलकें उन गालों से : सिमटी थी जिन गालों पर आँसुओं की धार । कहने को दूर हुआ था मैं भी छोड़ अपने सपनों की छाप दूर हुए थे मुझसे कुछ अपने आओ सुनाता हूँ एक तुम्हारे पते की बात । कहने को तो सब साथ है फिर क्यों पुछता तू यह सवाल है! "भाई एक लड़की का नंबर तो दिला?" "मान जाएगी क्या वो इस बार?" कहीं दूर इस सवाल से परे उठे मेरे मन में विचार : चल पड़ा मैं उस शहर से दूर जहाँ उठे थे तेरे होने पर सवाल । मिली थी आज वो "पलकें" इन गालों से जो ताकती थी कभी यह राह , पहेली तो छिपी थी उन नीली आँखों में, बसती थी जिन आँखों में मेरी राह ! नाम में रखा है क्या साहिब, अक्सर पूछती थी मेरी किताब । नाम में रखा है क्या साहिब, अक्सर पूछती थी मेरी किताब, एक मुसकुराहट देकर कहने लगी छीड़ी थी जो यह अलफाज़ों की आग नाम ही तो "नया" है पूराने तो थ...


'Goodbye' "And as the drenched orange sphere drowned below the dark horizon, I waved at the train from my place!"  As soon as the train arrived My eyes started searching for a face. A face I've been waiting to catch a sight of from a long time. But in vain, Nothing more monotonous than the same old driver's face! Yes,نور I've been looking for you! It has been a long time since the last time, I saw you. Apparently, this summer appears to last a bit longer than I expected! Once again, as the train arrived: the common parody of your presence started to knock at my face! "Finally"-(like always) I sighed! There she comes! I waved at the driver and like always he passed me a look and took a breath of sigh! Hurriedly, I peeped through every window: But to no surprise you weren't there! Consoling myself and fooling your existence I once again said: "Not so soon, I guess. نور, you have some bigger plans. Maybe...

Warning: Deep Stereotypes!

Once again, there is a storm hurling in my mind! What if's and maybe's please be seated I have got a notion to discuss! 'How deep are the stereotypes that 'we' conclude?' As I went far from my place I met people with different names! Faces that marked me with different conclusions, Each time they commented on my physical appearance! For every comment, they threw, I placed a tick on my list. and Guess what, Here's a saturation point for every trait! From individual existence to my well maintained long nails, From beard that is untrimmed to the printed shirts I prefer! From long verses, I usually write, To the undisputed fact that I'm still virgin; There isn't a single label left unticked! They have got corrections to everything. and Here's the latest one: You are subjected to detention from existence because you've faced severe dejection! A rejection on the grounds of several attempts made to seek what I seek, The w...