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Showing posts from March, 2020

"Bruises of Love"

Covered in the thread of dark colored clothes,  I could see a smile on her face!  Her make-up was minimal,  Hairstyle on point! A not so common shade of nude lipstick,  Complimented black Kohl in her eyes! ... A galaxy of intellectuals have gathered to mark her existence,  And just like others even I was stunned looking at her innocent face!  I don't know what was written in her faith,  But it would have been certainly better if I wasn't there at that place. ... Yes, Yes, I'm aware,  I've compared certainty with faith here,  but there are things that outlaws the idea of right doing or wrong doing and all we have is that particular state!  This was one of those peculiar moments;  It's not like this was my " first-time " But with her, yes it was!  She pointed at me and winked,  and signalled me to follow her.  I hesitated for...