" SpillFrames " Every time I see her, I get drenched in this ocean of love! C'mon hang on, this time I won't be writing any note on one-sided love! So you guys can take a chill pill! (At least that's the plan for now) I had tried a zillion times maybe more To get over her Slightly duped, majorly doomed Yet so carefree, I tried to match up with all the shades! Believe me Wits can be colourful at times! Finding my way through the busy streets I saw faces so pale, yet smiling And at that very moment I knew Yes, she is the one, I can't hide anymore! I forgot to tell you: " There are rumours that she had found herself a better match !" Yes , you read that right and by this time you must've realised this is one hell of a note about her and earlier, I lied! So, as I said: She has found herself a match, You'll be surprised: I'm elated! Like literally, I don't have to care about the shades anymore! Red, Yellow, Black, ...